Student+Dying= Studying!!!!

Oh Finals Week how I loath the fact that you come around every semester…. So actually I don’t have my finals until late next week(the 10th to be exact). However, I know that there are many people who are starting to study for those dreadfully awful things that are suppose to show what we actually learned through out the semester;  but, really are only another cruel, oh so very cruel way to torture college students even further before going on break. I really wanted to write something clever and funny that would relieve you from all that stress that you accumulated from being on Facebook…oops I mean studying. However, I just could not think of anything…at all… I know it’s a first.  Started to think of some fun thing to do instead of studying, but really I think every good procrastinator could figure that one out with ease and not blog worthly. Also, I thought that I might do something like: What not to do when trying to study and nothing, nothing come to mind. So as all do when stuck on somthing I turned to Google and started to look at some pictures and then it hit me. I don’t have to write anything. Pictures say 1,000 words and boy are these words FUNNNY! So I hope that you get as much pleasure out of these pictures as I did 🙂 And I hope that you all do extraordinary on your fianls Good Luck! Peace, love, and skittles!&♥

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